Monday, July 15, 2013


462- Elder Scribner's Goodbye Party :( They're the elders who we serve with in the odessa ward!! He left on wednesday this week. He's the best, funniest guy ever. we miss him already!! 
481- This week was Unique's 19th bday, so we got her an oreo ice cream cake...and had a little party! HOLLA! It was fun :) Unique is the one on the left in pink, then little miss La'Niyah, then Ta'shanda on the right. I love them. They will be gettin baptized the 27th, it was gonna be this Saturday, but they didnt make it to church yesterday so we gotta push it back! They are the best!!! SO SO SO awesome!! I LOVE THEM!!!
479- Sister Goodman and I rollin in the Corolla... after the most awkward visit we've had thus far. hahaha I LOVE HER.
474- DADDY LOOK!!! look what we finally found :):) steak n shake!!!! HOLLA!! :) I was excited!!

Well, sorry it's taken me so long to send ya'll some pics. I love you alot.
Not too much new going on here. just loving life and teaching the gospel :) 

I've been thinking alot lately how absolutely BLESSED I am to have grown up with the knowledge of the gospel... Think about it!! We know ALOT. We know what's up- we know truth. I thank Heavenly Father for this knowledge everyday- lots of people don't know what we know, and we are very blessed to know. 
So..... what do we do with that?!?! Uh... we share it :) 
That's my little missionary motivation monday :) haha. 
I love you all SO SO SO SO much!!! I know this gospel is true. That it really  is the only true church on the earth- because its Christ's church. He lives, He loves us, and He is the way back home. 
The more I study and learn it just all makes sense. I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. I know that he restored Christ's true church to the earth. I know for a FACT that living the gospel and being obedient is the ONLY way to be happy now and in eternity. Seeing the happiness and light that comes into peoples lives is insane. Watching Ta'Shanda and Unique change has been a miracle and a blessing for me to watch. They have definitely taught me faith, and repentance- that the gospel changes our hearts.I love them.  they've taught me more about myself than I've taught them. Being a missionary is the very best choice I've ever made. 

I love you all so so so so so much and hope you have a happy happy happy week.... Go find some people for the missionaries to teach :) ha! I love you all!!!! SO MUCH! 

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