Friday, October 25, 2013


Sister Yu is here!! We are in a trio, and I am so happy. She is the happiest, sweetest, most SINCERE person I have ever met in my whole life- seriously. She's so dang cute. She is from HONG KONG!!! Dope, huh? She is so great. 

Wanna here her story? It makes me cry every time she tells it. She met missionaries at the park five years ago, she said her and her momma talked to em cause they "looked so american but spoke such good chineese." Anyway, both her and her mom got baptized. Her mom passed away last year from cancer. Her mom LOVED missionaries, so she decided to come on a mission for her momma :)  Her dad, sister and brother are not members, and told her coming on a mission would be a waste of time, and arent very supportive (they don't even write her very much :( ) She is stellar. Like seriously. She's taught me SOOO much it's insane. I love her. If you send me a package this week mom with my curling iron... you should send her stuff too, that'd mean alot to her :) 

So she's the best. So's sister goodman. i sure love her too. Heavenly Father's always putting us with the people we need, isn't He? it's the best. 

Shannon's one of those too. She's so cute. She's gettin baptized on Saturday!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! she cant stop talking about getting the Holy Ghost. She's still OBSESSED with Nephi- she talks about him constantly it's quite great. I love her. Yesterday she asked When do i getta calling?!?! ha she's so eager to serve- its great.

We FINALLY saw Tshanda yesterday!!! It's been AGES... My heart like sang when i saw her. Seriously I dont think I've ever been that happy in my life. it was so good to see her. She should be at church sunday. 

Can we talk about the Book of Mormon? Okay. I'm obsessed. Seriously. Honestly, scripture study wasnt ever my fave before coming out here. I COULD STUDY ALL DAY LONG. I loooooovvvvvvvveee the book of mormon!!!! I learn something new everytime i read it.

Repentance is the best thing. Heavenly Father has given us weeknesses to help us learn and progress, sometimes i forget that and get discourged. WE CANT!!! that's why we're here- to learn and grow and to do our best to become like the Savior. He doesn't expect us to be perfect yet. He's there to pick us up when we fall, we just have to be humble enough to take His hand. I love Him.

I love you all so so so much!!!

Transfer calls are on Saturday... It sounds like their makin lotsa cray changes... Zones are moving and all sorts of stuff, so we will see. I kinda feel like my time here in Odessa (8 months-yikes) is wrapping up, which makes me real sad, but I'll go wherever He sends me and love it just as much I'm sure :) we'll find out soon!! 

Love you all so so so so much!!!

Sister B

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