Thursday, February 28, 2013

1st Letter!!

Holy Cow!
Ask me how much I love you my family. SO much. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to get the dear elder letters from you. I cry the whole time I read, of course. But they definitely definitely LOVE them. They give me a little push to work harder and smile brighter. :) I love you all. Thanks for everything you do for me.
I don't have much time, so this might be brief. I've got a ton on my mind, so bear w/ me as I try to explain it all. I love you. Geez. I love you alot. And I miss you.
First off, I am SO happy. Like think of how happy dance made me and then multiply that by 42. Pretty happy huh? Our district is legit like a family. I love them. We have SO much fun together, laughing together all the time and growing together too. The Elders in our District blow me away. The power of the priesthood is something President Jacobson told me to look for while I'm out here, and I definitely am noticing how important and neccesary it is. I love the Elders here like big (and little) brothers. They are such good guys. But then there's the girls. UNBELIEVABLE. I love these girls. Like instant best friends. They are SO much fun, so strong and sweeet. We get along so so good. All of my district is going to Vancouver Canada (including my companion) except for me and 2 of the other girls. I love these girls. I fly out on Monday at four am.
BE READY FOR A PHONECALL BETWEEN FIVE AND SIX IN THE MORNING ON MONDAY. Eeek, that's early. BUT I wanna talk to you, so get you lazy bums outta bed :) If I dont call though, be ready for one later in the day, i think it will work better though to do it then, so rise and shine :).
I feel like my testimony has grown 42 miles longer and stronger than it was already. Studying the scriptures, reading preach my gospel and praying everyday has been the absolute best. HAving the Spirit w/ me constantly is the greatest feeling ever. Elder M. Russell Nelson came and gave a devotional on Tuesday. Woah. I am realizing everyday more about the Atonement. Our Savior loves us SO much. The Atonement is the greatest gift. I love my Savior and want to BECOME like Him. I can feel my heart changing here. It's nuts. I'm learning to love more than ever, to see people like Christ sees them.
I've gotta SCRIPTURE for ya :)
Alma 26:12.
I have realized that me being a missionary and bringing people to Christ has absolutley nothing to do w/ me. As much as a big deal that I think I am, I'm not. At all. I am nothing without God. I feel so inadequete here (Boys: pay attention in seminary, I wish I would have). I have learned this week to rely on Him. If I'm being obedient and doing what I should be, He won't let me down. I can always count on Him. I love Him, and my love for Him is growing daily. Holy Cow.

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